Sunday, 7 July 2013

'Jump in the fire' - Here we go!

Well here I am... 33, bald and looking awesome! (This will become a repeating theme, you have been warned).  I’ve wanted to do a blog for ages but never got round to doing it or known what to say.  This blog has come around after a twit chat with WeNurse about nursing blogs that got me thinking, and after reading a few of the blogs that was linked I decided what the hell.
I want this blog to be about my last 6 months of my uni course and my progression through nursing... but real life will find its way on here and I’m sure there will be talks of judo, gaming and many other non-nursing things.  My aim is to do 1 nursing blog a week for the duration of the year.  Each entry I want to have a title that comes from a song or line from a book, kind of makes things a bit more fun - 'Jump in the fire' for example is a Metallica song.
Before I start it would be good to tell you about myself so that you know what you’re letting yourself into by reading my blogs and also so that some things you read will make a bit more sense-
My nickname is Shaniepoo, This came about when I was 18(ish) when friends started calling me a 'cutiepoos' as it got on my nerves - 'Men are not cute! Only babes and girls are cute, not men!!!'.  This then moved on to become 'Shaniepoo' or just 'Poo'.  I’m a very self-obsessed person (or so my friends say, but what would they know) and love to tell people (and myself) how awesome I am and that everyone should bow down to my glory.  Some friends have even gone to the point of saying I’m a little narcissistic but it is all just a bit of fun on my behalf... people would be upset if I didn’t act in this way.  lol.  I can be very loud, opinionated and love to be the ctr of attention!  I love confrontation and a good argument... I mean debate... but if I’m wrong then I will hold my hands up and admit it (sometimes. lol).  After asking a few friends to describe me they came up with the following comments - 'Angry cue ball', ‘Enigma’ and 'God of awesome with rhythm in his thong clad loins'.  lol.  Some of my friends say I’m very angry, my best friend for one thinks I’m a 'very angry person', but that’s only because he knows that calling me angry winds me up and the more he does it... the angrier I will get.  I’m a bit like Bruce Banner - If you push me to far I will snap and get angry... And you won’t like me when I’m angry.  But if there is one thing that nursing has taught me it is to take a deep breath and count to 10.  People have an expectation of me - They expect me to be unpredictable, make them laugh (at my own expense normally), come out with comments of self-gratification (I am awesome so everyone needs reminding now and then), put my foot in my mouth, and be a general all round fun person to be around.  I’m a huge geek and love my old cartoons and toys - Heman, Thundercats, Transformers...! 
I worked as a chef for about 6 years in a pub and community ctr.  Had a great time and worked with some great (and not so great) people.  This helped me find my love for heavy metal music and increase my vulgar display of power (another song line - Pantera).  I moved on from there to become a clinical support worker at my local Trust hospital working on the surgical nursing bank.  Here is where I fell in love with nursing... but they still won’t let me wear the nurses dress uniform :(  I worked on a colorectal and urology ward for around 5 years before I managed to get on my trainee assistant practitioner course with my Trust.  From here I was moved wards (turns out that I caused to much trouble by pointing out the problems that needed fixing to the matron and head of the surgical department) and now work on orthopaedic trauma.  I qualify in 6 months and then I will be a fully blown assistant practitioner :)
My main hobby if Judo.  I’m a 2nd Dan coach at Lancaster University and love to teach!  I got into this through my mum and dad who ran the local Judo club in Lancaster for over 20 years.  I don’t compete any more due to injury and the fact that I can't get enough training in due to real life things like work.  My other main hobby is gaming - Bloodbowl.  Yes, I play will little toy men.  I’m well known in the gaming seen for my ability to be crap at the game and to dance for people in a thong (it's a long story).  The last of these has become my legacy.
Right, I think I’ve gone on enough for now and my coffee cup is now dry.  I hope that (if) anyone reads my blog they find it fun and enlightening.  And with that I end my 1st blog.  That wasn’t so bad now was it?
Love you and leave you peeps.

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