'Now I'm one step closer
With my arms open wide
I'm one step closer
And I'm willing to try'
With my arms open wide
I'm one step closer
And I'm willing to try'
John Bon Jovi 2007
I am currently sat in my favourite coffee house (Atkinsons 'The Hall') reflecting on yesterdays RCN Learning Representatives trsining day while drinking amazing locally roasted syphon brewed coffee and eating a gorgeous slice of corggette cake...
Yesterday was a fun day as I had day 4 of my RCN Learning Representative module 2. It was a long day with a 05.40 start to catch the train at 06.36. While on the train I found out that my Trust (@UHMBT) were running the @WeNurses twitter account for the day!!! Great news :D
As I left the house I looked at the sky and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. This added with the fact that the last time I was in London it was 25*C, I decided that I would leave my coat at home and just take my hoody... What a mistake that was! About 10 minutes from Euston train station the sun vanished and was replaced with a large black cloud and it started to rain... and rain... and RAIN! By the time I had walked from Oxford Circus underground to RCN London (about 10 minutes) I was totally soaked. Once inside I remembered just how nice of a place it was and how nice the people there were. As I walked down to the library room where we were meeting I got stopped by one of the members of staff who said they recognised me from a post that was on the RCN facebook page. I've been a bit taken back by the amount of people who have commented on this... but I do love the attention. lol.
It was nice to see the other learning reps again and have a good catch up. The things that some people have done since our last meeting is great, but I do feel that they have the bonus of being Bands 6+. I got talking to one of the other Reps about revalidation and how so many nurses don't understand what they need to do for it. She went on to tell me about how she has put a pack together with all the information to hand to staff - What is revalidation? What is CPD? Why we should use reflection? It was a great idea, and for the price of a cup of coffee she said she would let me copy the idea (the coffee was free so the jokes her. LoL). I love this kind of networking as I don't feel like I'm being looked at with the mindset of 'you're not even trained, what would you know about this kind of thing!?!', and me views and ideas are listened to intently and taken seriously. One of the Reps who works in educational development of nurses pulled me to one side and even said to me that she can see me going far and that if I wanted a job then she could use me in her Trust! Wow, that's a confidence booster if ever I had one!!!
When we went for lunch we passed pictures of RCN presidents and it was nice to see the one of Andrea Spyropoulos. After meeting her at congress through friends, she is such a nice person to chat to :) Last time we were here I bumped into Dr Peter Carter and he came and had a chat with us over lunch asking how we're we finding the workshop and praising us for being proactive members of the RCN. I was taken back by this as I didn't expect someone so high up to want to sit and talk with me, it's nice to be see this in a professional group.
After lunch we got back to our learning grids and discussing what we had all got on paper so far. I really need to stop looking into things to deep as I couldn't get my head round the simplicity of the question - 'What kind of information are we talking about? Statistics, policies, specialist fields...? If they have the information then I can't help them find it as they have it... but what information do they have... they can't learn what they already know!!!!' I was told I had thought about it way to much and had to think on a more simple level... never thought I'd be told to do that! LoL.
With the workshop done it was time to get wet as I ran back to the station. I might have to go back and visit RCN London again some time.
Right, I've finished my coffee and cake so I guess it's time for me to get off. Later peeps :)